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If you weren’t aware by now, Mild Sauce is much more than just a blog, website or whatever else kind of box you’d like to place on it. Rather, we’ve been trying our hardest to find ways to bring news, culture and music in new and dynamic ways that allow us to create more and you to consume more without being overdone. One way we’ve done that weekly has been our Saturday live show, The Steve Breit Rock Discovery Show which rolled out its sixth episode this week with Jake Krez, Steve breaks down cross-generational punk, hardcore and more that vibes with a passionate premise, regardless of what that may mean. As always, Steve brings a new beer to accompany his music picks. Check it all out above and make sure to tune in via Twitter and YouTube every Saturday at 2 PM CST!

Attaboi • “Hustlin“

The Falcon • “The Fighter, the Rube, The Asshole“

Double Feature • “Whenever You Speak It Reminds me of Hiroshima“

Tuesday • “My Mess“

The Hardgore Cadaverdog Sexslaves • “Tonight We Murder“

Tub Ring • “God Hates Astronauts“

Sister Soliel • “Weep“

The Breathing Light • “World is Burnin’”

Tossers • “Teehan’s“

Damage Manual • “Blame and Demand“

Tanzen • “Blade“

Pigface • “Insemination“

The Electric Hellfire Club • “Where Violence is Golden“

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