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A couple of weeks ago, while preparing for the second episode of my new show on Mild Sauce Radio, I got a message on Twitter. It was Jhon Myquale, a name I’d seen and listened to several times over the last year or so. Having not had the chance to sit down with him before, a DM quickly manifested into a conversation across the table from one another as we discussed his journey from Milwaukee to Queens, New York before arriving here in Chicago for school at DePaul. His is an adventure that takes several twists and turns, but ultimately winds up here, on March 9 as he bundles all of those experiences into a singular piece of art, his debut album, Flight Theory.

To be sure, Myquale is an amalgamation of the places and people he’s found himself around over the years. A lifelong learner who breezily quotes James Baldwin among others, he delivers rhymes that arrive smooth but dense. Flight Theory represents his first step forward as an artist, having been working on his craft for the better part of a decade. At a time when pink hair, face tats and half-baked verses make up the contemporary, Myquale comes based with an understanding of what came before him and where the music is today, informed enough to parlay between both worlds in achieving something that can’t honestly be placed in one box or another. Definitely make sure you get into this one, streaming above and at Mild Sauce Radio and catch my interview with him below.

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