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There’s certain bands that always seem to be there. Year in, year out as well all age, mature, de-mature, whatever it may be going on, they never sway or falter, offering consistent soundtracks one calendar after the next.

On their latest project, Whitney packs in a full listing of introspective indie tracks that once again pushes forward Julien Ehrlich’s hypnotizing vocals. While not necessarily a standalone classic, there’s never a bad time for a Whitney album. As was mentioned in many previous pieces breaking down the record, Forever Turned Around has a seemingly isolated feeling that is reflected both in tone and literal straightforwardness.

Still the driving force for Chicago’s Logan Square mustachioed community, Whitney shows here that not everything needs a single, not every project, needs a central driving force and that sometimes music can just be fun. This project operates as a meandering peek into the group’s world, a stamp on 2019 that can’t be erased, and shouldn’t be.

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