Via Rosa is most happy when she’s cooking and creating. A few years ago, she was following the path that those interests had paved for her, working on a deg...More...
Age: 20 • Neighborhood: Irving Park • Follow: Twitter // Soundcloud The beautiful thing about Chicago as a creative outlet has always been the affordability...More...
It appears as though the end is near for one of the city's most talked-about groups as Hurt Everybody took to Twitter and Instagram Monday night to announce tha...More...
As a writer that often focuses on hip-hop music, I tend to pay attention to things that wouldn't make it onto most others' radars. Like, who the first artist...More...
It’s the beginning of the last days of warmth in Chicago. A precarious time every year where locals are bitterly reminded of the five month hibernation period...More...
Driving in the car this morning, listening to DJ Hot Sauce on WGCI, the topic came up about yet another police-involved shooting video that a judge was order...More...
A 27-year-old writer/publicist/media hired hand from Chicago, Il who came up writing for the Chicago Sun Times where he helped break artists like Chance The Rapper, Vic Mensa, Kids These Days and many more. Since then Jake has written for the likes of XXL, Complex, Noisey, New City, Billboard, DJBooth and many others while staying up to date on all things Chicago music and beyond.