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So, you may have heard the term goat, often capitalized, as a way to describe the greatest of all time. Now, most leave it at the acronym, some have taken it as far as using the goat emoji to represent the phrase. However, no one has taken it as far as Tobi Lou. He’s out to be the greatest, and to prove it he’s becoming, well, a goat advocate of sorts. In what go down as one of the most ridiculous and amazing concepts for a video, this one tells manger story of sorts of what we’re supposed to surmise is a baby Tobi, born to a family of goats. This of course, makes him the goat, get it? The song is typical of the bouncy, conversational and in-the-moment delivery we’ve come to expect from Tobi over the last year and a half, but goddamn if he didn’t take it over the top by bringing in actors to play previous versions of himself growing up on the goat farm. He really goes in on the concept, with family photos with his goat parents to goats literally wearing gold chains through the farm. It’s so crazy its awesome, and a wonderful play on words if you’re into that kind of thing, “I might change my name to Billy”. There’s not much more to say, you really need to get into this one asap. Keep an eye out for Tobi’s upcoming debut full-length produced by No I.D. coming soon and an EP on the way before that. Speaking to Tobi, he mentioned that, like R. Kelly with “Ignition Remix”, he created this song just to execute an earlier vision, “[We] made the song just so we could make that video.”

“My psychologist think that I’m woke, but I fuck around and hit the snooze/When I was younger I didn’t know what I was. Bitch now I know I’m a goat.”


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