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Chicago’s Manwolves were one of the first groups we chose to profile when we kicked off Mild Sauce, a year ago this past Sept. 11 (odd timing, I know). At the time, the fledgling group of just-graduated teens were in the midst of venturing ever-deeper into the local scene while making a name for themselves with a sort of throwback live set that was as thick with authenticity as it was in unique mixes of generational inspiration. Having maneuvered since then with a healthy string of singles you can find on Mild Sauce Radio all day everyday, the guy have kept their progression at a steady pace, enough so that we’re only getting their debut project almost two years into their existence. Without further ado, we give you A Safety Meeting.


The album itself is an absolute coming out party for the mult-faceted outfit and one that stands perfectly in line with where they’ve evolved from musically. Combining aspects of rock, hip-hop, ska and soul, The Manwolves are a wholly Chicago product reminiscent in many ways of how Kids These Days mashed together several genius musical minds into one entity. For their part, Manwolves appear to be a bit more cohesive than now-defunct KTD, if only because they stay on the same page regardless of the direction they may swerve into. While we’ve been able to see how that plays out on individual singles in the time since their coming out, A Safety Meeting proves the guys have the ability to string it together into a fully realized full-length. Get into it yourself above, and make sure to check out their recent video for “Reaper” below.

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