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As he stated in a single earlier this year, Qari is far and wide considered the youngest veteran in the game locally. While it’s no secret that everyone is rooting for the kid, he’s been taking his time, letting life get smooth before rushing forward towards inevitabilities. The steps are being taken, the latest of which were unveiled over the last week as he linked up with Cole Bennett and the Lyrical Lemonade crew for a very dope, colorful new visual for his single “Pants from Japan” that hit the internet last week.

Alongside the video came a surprise announcement of Qari’s next project which once again finds him working with longtime collaborator Mulatto Beats as well as Cangelosi. Together, the pair plus one are prepping for the next chapter in their collaboration, No Time To Explain with a release date slated as, “VERY soon”. Mulatto and Qari last linked up on last year’s Space Jam and Mulatto’s recent .22 Summers project. We’re definitely here for some new Qari, and this video certainly gets you in the right mood as well. Check it out above and keep it locked to Mild Sauce and Mild Sauce Radio for more soon!

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