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Chicago is a scene of endless musical possibilities, and one of the more delightful pairings to emerge in recent years has been the expansive rock renditions of Macie Stewart and Sima Cunningham, better known to the world as Ohmme. This past week they announced the upcoming release of their latest project, Parts, with the release of their lead single, “Icon” complete with video treatment from none other than Elijah Alvarado.

The video plays on a distinct creative tic that permeates the collective consciousness of the Logan Square indie scene that both have embodied for the majority of their lives. Having come together from the pieces of the Kids These Days disintegration that more and more appears to be akin to a local music Big Bang, Stewart and Cunningham have utilized this outfit as opportunities to explore sonically and scratch an itch when need be. The result is a wholly authentic sound that was first realized from late night hangouts in rooms filled with instruments, a product of true experimentation that finds a delicate home here. The video for its part perfectly accentuates the sentiment of the piece, with bright balloons giving way to sullen portraits. It’s a fully understood piece that sets the tone for the upcoming project perfectly. Make sure to check this one out above, catch the single streaming every night on Mild Sauce Radio and keep an eye out for the album, due out August 23 on Joyful Noise.

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