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Mykele Deville has quietly been making a name for himself for the last year and half or so. With the release of his latest project, Maintain though, the secret might be leaking from Chicago. Skirting expectations, perceptions and the idea of what a rapper from Chicago has to be, Deville has created a project that aptly captures the reality of being independent as an artist, both on paper and in mindset.

Maintain as a title sets an appropriate tone for the project that unfolds from the first song “Whispers”. Deville’s made a name around town as an accomplished and thoughtful poet, writer and general creative mind. In many ways, he’s come to represent an activated subsection of local artistry that finds a home in the arts neighborhoods adjacent to the city center. The music throughout this project is aspirational, like sliver of sunshine in the drab grayness of the Trump-era. At a time when so much is going on, Deville delivers a moment of respite, a chance to get away from it all and maybe think for the first time in awhile without an influencer. It’s music for the soul set to a hip-hop motif. I’d like to write more but I’ve been lacking on getting this one out. Keep an eye out for more on Mykele very soon. For now, dive into Maintain above.

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