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It’s often said that Chicago is the smallest big city in the world. That, if you know a few people you likely also know dozens more by pure happenstance. Yes, six degree is a true tenant of the Second City and it appears that isn’t beholden to Cook County’s borders either. Today, we got the debut music video from fresh Closed Sessions signee Jack Larsen, who just so happened to grow up a couple miles away from me throughout childhood and our high school years (which were admittedly far apart).

Anyway, the unforeseen connection that was realized after chatting with his sister, Rachel who was in my classes at St. Charles East back in the day. It’s with that huge lead-in that we bring to you the first release from Larsen as part of the fast-growing CS family, “Break”. The video itself is a sort of lo-fi introduction to an artist that admittedly sits outside the typified motif for the independent local label thus far. Taking an adventure through his life in a series of well-thought vignettes, the viewer is able to get an actualized understanding of the new face, almost feeling as though he’s spent years in your library by the end of it. Of course, Rachel makes a couple cameos in there and the whole thing kind of evokes this really interesting feeling of a forlorn time, the simple things we take for granted along the way set to a backdrop that is reminiscent of the opening credits of The Wonder Years. In essence, it’s a wonderful introduction to an act we’ll most certainly be hearing much more from soon. Catch “Break” streaming nightly at 8 PM CST on Mild Sauce Radio!

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